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Pool Parties

Prices & Hours

  • Members -  $150 for the first 2 hours; $100 each additional hour

  • Non-Members - $350 for the first 2 hours; $100 for each additional hour

Lifeguard Information

All prices include two Lifeguards (50 total attendees). If you require a 3rd or 4th lifeguard, then you will be required to pay an additional $15 per hour/ per guard.

**Note: Parties with more than 50 total attendees (this includes non-swimmers as well) are required to pay for extra Lifeguards. 


Total Attendees

51-75 (One extra Lifeguard needed)

76-100 (Two extra Lifeguards needed)

Those having parties for young children are encouraged to add a Lifeguard (even for small parties) for added safety. 


To secure your party date/time, you must complete a Pool Party Contract and pay at least half of the pool rental fee. If only half the party fee is paid, then the other half is due no later than seven days before the party or the renter forfeits their deposit and party date.


For more information call Jennifer (361)676-2603

Click here for the pool party contract

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