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Oak Hill Pool Rules

1. Lifeguards or board members may limit the use of the pool diving board or prohibit its use when, in their opinion, the pool is too crowded to permit diving with safety. Diving maneuvers deemed dangerous by the lifeguards are prohibited.

2. Members who cannot pass the equivalent of the American Red Cross swim test will not be permitted beyond the shallow side of the pool.

3. All personal injuries regardless of how minor must be reported to the Lifeguard on duty.

4. No pets permitted in the pool area.

5. No glass containers permitted in the pool area.

6. No spitting of water, blowing of nose, etc. in the pool.

7. All bicycles should be parked on the grass area away from the pool entrance and sidewalk.

8. Children eight years of age and older are not allowed in the baby pool.

9. Only swimming suits are permitted in the pool.

10. Only one person on the diving board or slide at a time.

11. Only one jump allowed on the diving board.

12. Diving off the board toward the side of the pool is not permitted.

13. Hanging off the board is not permitted.

14. No jumping off the slide.

15. The use of profanity is not permitted.

16. No Frisbees, balloons, tennis, or hand-sized balls allowed in the pool.

17. No rough horseplay, dunking, etc. permitted.

18. No running in the pool area.

19. No sitting on the pool rope.

20. Radio volume must be limited to a level which is not offensive to other people.

21. Applicable rules and regulations of the State of Texas and the City of Victoria will be in effect to the same extent as if they were included herein.

22. No smoking or vaping, drugs, or alcoholic beverages allowed in the pool area or on pool grounds.

23. No throwing T-shirts or towels.

24. No chicken fights or pyramids.

25. All non-potty trained children must wear swim diapers


**Lifeguards will take a ten (10) minute break every hour.


During this time swimmers under the age of 18 will be asked to get out of the pool.

Time does not start until all swimmers under the age of 18 are out of the pool.

*Any member who repeatedly disobeys the rules of the Oak Hill Pool will be sent home.

If the member continues to be a problem, he will be banned from the pool for a length of time determined by the Board.

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